Sunday, March 29, 2015


Ahhhhhh much better day today. Much better due to a few things: 1) I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the first time in almost twenty years. TWENTY. Twenty! I guess I've had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches over the years, but not really. Like, it was always a sliver of weird powdery fat free non-peanut peanut butter followed with a slightly more generous sliver of sugar free jam. And it was on low-calorie bread. And and and. And so you can see how that in no way constitutes as a proper PB&J and how utterly sad that is. Well, I was craving a rich and gooey and actually fulfilling peanut butter and jelly sandwich today. So I made one and ate it and loved it and holy smokes I was a relatively carefree kid again. God bless. (I should point out that it was a sunbutter and apricot preserves sandwich on NORMAL bread. Pat on the back, three cheers, gold star.)

It was probably a better day today because yesterday was such a shit day. I figured my heart and soul couldn't take another shit day, so it had to balance out with a superb day. Okay, I'll take it. Just as long as my heart and soul doesn't feel it necessary to tip the scales again tomorrow. One good, one bad, one good, one bad -- predictable and boring pattern, Universe! C'mon. I want my Monday to be a happy one.

And I will make it a happy one! Again, it comes down to my attitude and how I view whatever situation I am placed in. Plus, I plan on making a kickass sunbutter and strawberry jam sandwich for lunch tomorrow. You heard me! STRAWBERRY jam. Switching in up! Keeping it fresh! Keeping it fresh by placing it in a Ziplock bag. Keeping everything fresh all of the time: A TRUE STORY: Now a major motion picture: Winner of 9 Academy Awards: Including Best Foreign Film: Now with fewer subtitles and more hidden messages: Hidden messages: TRUE STORIES WHICH ARE HIDDEN.

I am tired. Of writing this post! But not of life! I am waking up to who I am/used to be/want to become. Wish me luck, however, because I am off to the blasted grocery store to purchase the cheapest toilet paper I can find with which to wipe my darlin' ass. My ass which desperately needs more junk in it. Give me that junk in the form of delicious meals and I will be a happy camper. I also need to go camping soon. Not in a camper, though. Give me my tent. Or just the stars. That's all I need. A tarp and the stars and maybe a sweetheart to spoon under the moon.

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