Tuesday, May 5, 2015

tuesday moods

Surprise surprise, I've been melancholy lately. Well, I've been more angry than melancholy. Both are undesirable, but the anger does frighten me. I've never been much of an angry person. I am not quite sure where this angry is coming from. It feels alien and uncontrollable. I need to get rid of these hot coals, you know? I don't want to burn my hands. I also definitely don't want to burn anyone else's hands. No hand burning here, okay? Okay.

I checked out some CDs full of nature sounds tonight at the library. Like, 13 of them. I hope the humpback whales and rain forest birds help dispel some of these gunky emotions. I get that emotions -- all emotions -- are okay and should not be suppressed with whales and parrots. But I don't think I'm suppressing anything. I'm doing no pressing of any kind. Nope. No pressing of letters, no pressing of wine, and definitely no pressing of sup. Weird joke. I've been weirdin' it up since 1984, bitches.

Beautiful bitches. You are all beautiful/handsome/attractive/kindhearted bitches. I wish I could be more like you fine folks, actually. Lately I have felt like the scummiest scum. It might be wise for me to take an honest look at just how honest (or dishonest) I am being in my everyday life. I want to be the kind of person I'd like to be friends with. Why can't I be friends with myself right now?

I just purchased a book on conspiracy theories. And earlier I purchased eight -- EIGHT -- frozen burritos. If I could, I would have probably adopted eight cats tonight as well. One day. One day my impulsive burrito purchases will be replaced with impulsive cat adoptions. I'm fine with that.

I'm fine for tonight. Thanks for being here to listen. Love you, bitches.

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