Saturday, December 27, 2008


ever since school ended and winter break '08 started, things have been so wacky and mind expanding and exhausting and wacky and full of language and columns of air and glow sticks and dylan and bald eagles and time and the lack of time and the existence of time and the non-existence of everything and a little bit of snow.

everything about winter break '08 is completely different from winter break '07 in the best and worst ways possible. i have reached a few plateaus and am starting to itch...


isaac isak icekick said...

this entry sounds like you were on acid when you wrote it. If you were it probably took you 30 mins or more to write it but it probably felt like 30 hours. OR FOREVER.

meg said...

oh man, it really DOES sound like an acid entry. i think i was just shrooming, though... who even knows these days.

Elle Keeps Moving said...

Hi Meg, I don't have any other way to contact you and I came across this blog randomly today so I hope you don't mind my leaving you a comment here. I didn't get your fb message until months after you sent it to me and by then it wouldn't let me respond so I emailed it instead to an old email address but I'm not sure if you got it or not. Just want you to know that I hope you're doing well and think of you often. You're writing is as hilarious and genius as it's always been. Please email if you ever want to talk more. Or don't. I get it. Much love.