Thursday, July 2, 2009

well, folks...

...I will probably be up all night. What in the world is there to do in this town on a Thursday night? Jack and I went to Barnes and Noble. They closed. We are now at the library, but they close in 34 minutes. Wal-Mart (or lovingly referred to as "Shit-Mart" by Jack) may be next... Not because I feel the desire to support soul rotting capitalism, but mostly so we can be in a well-lit place surrounded by soul rotting zoobies in terribly ugly flannel pajama pants (with a rubber duck or frog print). THEN WHERE TO NEXT?!? Most likely home. Read. Write. Discover my Buddha nature. Oh yes, there's always IHOP or Denny's. Can my Buddha nature be found in a Moons Over My Hammy? Dare I say yes. Yes. I dare.

I should probably just take a cocktail of sleeping pills and Xanax instead.

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